Author: AdminTWR



Working with Emmerson Construction, TWR was the framer of record for this unique project. These multi-family units will achieve net-zero energy usage and will be a smoke-free community. TWR was proud to be a part of this forward-thinking and sustainable-minded project.

NUMBER OF UNITS: 105 apartment units and 2 retail units. 

Industry News and Sponsorships

TWR is once again a Building Industry Show sponsor. We look forward to seeing all of our industry friends September 29th & 30th at Pechanga. We are excited to see what BIS has in store, as they celebrate BIS 3.0. If you have not already registered here is a quick link. 

Employee Anniversaries

With so much going on in an industry that is in full swing, we always have to remember the people that make it all happen. We would like to wish the following employees a Happy Anniversary on these important milestones.

Office Staff – TWR has some amazing office staff and we would like to celebrate the staff in our Payroll Department for their continued employment with TWR.  Congratulations to Florencia Malone, Payroll Supervisor on 7 years with TWR, Norma Villagomez, Payroll Coordinator for 5 years and Carlos Cetina, who just celebrated his 1st year with TWR. 

Thank you for your continued employment with TWR and for pressing forward with the ebbs and flows in this industry.

Klaus Schultz –  Klaus started working as a pieceworker for TWR years before he became a full time employee and hired on as a foreman in October 1996.  He has worked on many projects over the years including several of the multi-family projects that TWR has been involved with.  During the boom in the mid-2000s Klaus became an Area Manager, training and managing other foreman.  We celebrate his 25 years+ of continued employment with TWR.

Lewis Lyons – Congratulations on 20 Years!  Lewis has been a full time foreman for TWR since July, 2001. Before he became a full time employee for TWR Lewis worked as a pieceworker since 1998. Over the years he has managed the framing on dozens of projects and we are lucky to celebrate 20+years of continued employment with TWR.

Builder Highlight: Far West Industries – Celebrating 15 Years

WR is proud to have partnered with Far West Industries for over 15 years. Working together, we have delivered top quality home products with state-of-the-art technology and superior craftsmanship. Far West builds a variety of projects from single to multi-family homes including unique award winning product like the ICON project in Palm Springs. The ICON Ebony model was awarded Best Architecture for a home under 2,000 sq. ft. by the National Association of Home Builders.

V.P. of Project Management for TWR George Dawald, appreciates the strong and tight knit relationship that has been forged over many years of working together. Dawald says, “good teamwork is easy when you are working with good, down to earth people that make working together fun, that’s Far West”.

“Value and integrity is the basis of all that we do” is Far West’s philosophy, a very close match to TWR’s, “A Commitment to Excellence and a Will to Succeed”. Thank you Far West for trusting us with your framing projects for so many years!

Employee Spotlight – Cary Skeen – 25 Years Strong

We at TWR love to celebrate our employees, especially the ones that have been with us for 25 years plus, Cary Skeen is one of those people. Cary joined TWR in 1996, he tells the story of moving to Corona from Lancaster for his wife’s new job. He needed to find local work and saw that TWR was framing a housing project one mile from my home. He says, “It was my first stop looking for construction work and thankfully my last”. When asked why he has stayed at TWR for so long, he had one solid answer, TWR is ONE BIG FAMILY. Cary has done several jobs for TWR from job site foreman to area manager, but it is his current position as customer service manager (CSM) that he has enjoyed the most. Cary says, “becoming the CSM has been a blessing, I’m able to meet lots of nice people and help make their new home more comfortable to live in, that’s a good job to have”. Cary’s personal mantra in this position is have patience, and when you run out of patience…have more. He says, “patience is something I never had as a foreman running a construction site but have learned it’s important to listen to what customer’s concerns are and help educate those with no construction knowledge”. Cary has seen many ups and downs in the building industry, through all the years with good times and bad times (2008). He says, “I feel extremely blessed to be part of what some people call the best company in this industry, but for me we’re all just TWR FAMILY”.  So, what’s the next job for Cary?  He says, “it might not happen at TWR, but if anyone needs someone to hold a fishing pole full time, he’s your man. I mean who wouldn’t want to get paid to relax and hold a fishing pole for a living”. TWR would like to thank Cary for his service, his friendship and all of his “Commitment to Excellence”. Cary, you make us look good and we thank you!

Industry News and Sponsorships

TWR is proud to announce our continued industry support for 2021. We are actively engaged and dedicated to being a very present member of the industry we serve. For 2021, TWR is an annual underwriter for both BIAOC and the BIA Riverside chapters. These underwriter titles are something we have done for many years and are proud to be able our continued commitment to the BIA and everything that they do for its members. In addition to these titles, we have also sponsored both the BIA Riverside chapter golf tournament on April 9th at Temecula Creek Golf Course and the upcoming May 10th Tournament for the BIA OC. Congratulations to BIAOC on their 54th annual tournament at Coto De Caza.

Builder Highlight: DR Horton – Celebrating 20 Years

Known as “America’s Builder”, DR Horton’s legacy in the home building industry has spanned over four decades and we are proud to celebrate 20 years of partnering with them in the Southern California marketplace. As America’s largest builder they have delivered over 810,000 homes across the nation. TWR is grateful to be a part of that growing number starting in 2001 with the Hawthorne Project in Rancho Cucamonga. This project set the wheels in motion and since that time we have collaborated on over 46 separate projects, with over 3600 units built to date. 

46 separate projects, with over 3600 units built to date

Currently we have close to 10 projects in process across Southern California–from Laurel Creek, in Vista to Augusta at Fairview canyon in Beaumont, and the Juniper project in Victorville. We continue to strive for excellence in all that we do and deliver to DR Horton each and every project. Both TWR and DR Horton share the same principle of, “the customer is always first”, this shared philosophy continues to make us a good match in all of our collaborations. Cheers to two more decades of shared success!

Our Employees Keep Rockin!

We want to take a moment to recognize and thank some of our dedicated, hard-working employees who have celebrated significant anniversaries with TWR this year.

Cary Skeen 25 years
Shane Sanchez 20 years
Rigoberto Ruiz 15 years
Bret Richardson 5 years
Yomaira Mendez 5 years
George Rodriguez 5 years
Scott Hamen 5 years

You guys rock!

We aren’t the only ones who like our employees!

TWR recently received a letter from GFR Homes complimenting TWR on our work on a recent project. We wanted to share a little bit of the letter and say thank you for the feedback.

Your team of laborers and supervisors in the field, as well as your back office staff, have displayed such professionalism and the highest quality of care while building this beautiful community of ours. They are a great group of people that we would like to continue working with for yours to come.

– Felizardo Robles Jr

We look forward to continuing to work with everyone at GFR Homes and providing the same level of professionalism, quality, and value.

Learn more about the great people at GFR Homes

Service, Quality, Safety, Process, and People

Let us show you what we value and how we deliver for our customers. 

See our Value Proposition

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